ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’ll have all the time you need for self-reflection
The pressure of the last few weeks should now be over. At least you, like most other people, have now adapted to the status quo. Over the next few days, you’ll have all the time you need for self-reflection. The most important people you meet this week are likely to be out-of the-ordinary and, potentially, an enormous force for change.
TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: stronger line than usual over financial affairs
Mars is hanging around the inspirational sectors of your chart, and you might well be carried away on a flight of fancy. But remember that, for the coming few weeks, you must take a stronger line than usual over financial affairs and business arrangements.
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: you will be urged to stand your ground
You often have it all your own way, mainly by the simple art of spreading your options around but, on many recent occasions, people have expected you to cave in and agree to their demands. The situation is now shifting quite rapidly, and you will be urged to stand your ground and not give way.
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: time for plain thinking
No matter how stressful the past few months have seemed, it is time for plain thinking. Even those Cancerians who have been on a high must now take a very down-to-earth and matter-of-fact approach to all personal matters. In other words, take control!
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: allow partners, colleagues and friends to hog the limelight
The focus is on other people. This means, inevitably, that you must stand aside and allow partners, colleagues and friends to hog the limelight. If you attempt to take the lead, you must expect to be unceremoniously toppled. But if you’re generous in defeat then your chivalry will never be forgotten.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: the possibilities are so amazing
You may have to be on the move, but there is no knowing what can be accomplished personally and professionally. As long as Mercury, planet of thought and reason, is moving so erratically, the future remains obscure, but that’s because the possibilities are so amazing.
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: indirect approach may be best
Although an indirect approach may be best, you could still fail to get your message across. If, on the other hand, you are dealing with insoluble mysteries and intangible questions, you may be on safer ground. Also, of course, your individual gifts are becoming more marked by the day.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: deal with domestic questions
You’re probably going to have little choice but to deal with domestic questions or family affairs. There’s just no way certain people can be properly handled if you only allow them a little of your time. Do your bit and give them all the attention they need.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: best policy is to establish proper boundaries
In spite of your reputation for being a tower of strength, you do have a number of reservations about allowing other people to rely on you. Neither should you permit anyone to push you too far. It seems that your best policy is to establish proper boundaries.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: put the world to rights
Let’s turn our attention back to the amazing alignments of Jupiter and Saturn. You really do seem to believe that it is your prerogative to put the world to rights, and you may well be quite correct. But watch out, because you might also have to foot the bill.
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: domestic questions are not about to answer themselves
By rights the day should kick off to a good start, although I’ll wager that more of you than usual will have experienced some sort of strange dream or broken night. Whatever is on your plate, domestic questions are not about to answer themselves, so get down to the nitty-gritty.
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: look for interesting openings
While the Sun is so positive, you must make the development of partnerships, both personal and professional, your principal goal. Don’t expect dramatic results, but look for interesting openings which can be developed later – and try to surround yourself with useful people.