Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had no “moral authority” misleading the public by carrying the Constitution around while overlooking the amendments made by his party that neglected the rights of the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and backward classes.
Addressing the ‘Samvidhan Gaurav Abhiyan’ programme organised by BJP’s SC Morcha in Gorakhpur, the CM claimed that the original draft of the Constitution, prepared by BR Ambedkar and adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, did not include the words “secular” and “socialist” in its Preamble. He criticised the Congress for disrespecting Ambedkar’s vision by adding these words during the Emergency to serve their selfish interests.
The chief minister challenged leaders from the Congress and the Samajwadi Party, asking why there is no provision for reservations in admissions or employment for SCs, STs, or backward castes at institutions like Aligarh Muslim University or Jamia Millia Islamia. He accused these parties of remaining silent on the issue and highlighted the SP’s history of sidelining Ambedkar’s legacy.
He reminded the gathering that the Kannauj Medical College was initially named after Ambedkar but was renamed during the SP government.
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