Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Tuesday pressed for affiliation of the state’s colleges with Panjab University in Chandigarh. He said colleges in Panchkula, Ambala, and Yamunanagar must have the option of affiliating with Panjab University.
“Haryana was given its share in Panjab University through The Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966,” he said, highlighting that while Haryana’s share in PU had been discontinued in 1973, reestablishing these affiliations would be in the best interest of students.
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In the 31st Northern Zonal Council meeting in Amritsar, he stressed the importance of expanding educational opportunities and enhancing the university’s reputation by affiliating more colleges from both Haryana and Punjab.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who chaired the meeting, is learnt to have advocated for PU affiliation for Haryana colleges but added “that the issue be resolved amicably by Haryana and Punjab”.
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, however, argued that Haryana and Himachal Pradesh cannot lay a claim on the varsity having unilaterally withdrawn their colleges from it in 1973 and 1975 and set up their own universities and stopped funding the Panjab University altogether.