A day after a video of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi surfaced on social media, the state police on Monday denied that the video was of a Punjab jail. The jail department of Punjab in a statement denied the reports pertaining to usage of mobiles in the state prisons by terming the video viral on social media misleading, baseless and not for the jails of state.
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In the video that has sufaced, Bishnoi speaks to Monu Manesar through a WhatsApp video call. Monu Manesar is one of the prime accused in creating disturbance and inciting violence at Nuh district of Haryana. In the video, another person was seen sitting in an office chair with Bishnoi.
The statement said that the video was uploaded on social media and it was alleged that Bishnoi was using a mobile phone while in custody at Bathinda jail. The inquiry into the matter was entrusted to Inspector General of Prisons, Punjab, who probed this matter and it was found that the person sitting with Bishnoi in the video was identified as Rajkumar Raju Bishodhi. Rajkumar was lodged at District Jail in Sri Muktsar Sahib for 28 days from January 25, 2021, to February 22, 2021.
The statement said that as per official records, Bishnoi stayed in Central Jail, Faridkot, till 2018 as he was handed over to some other state’s police on January 4, 2018. Subsequently, he stayed in prisons of other states and was brought to Central Jail, Bathinda, on September 24, 2022, and was again handed over to the Gujarat Police on August 24, 2023.